Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My guy has wheels, so look out America:

Here is a page that I made. I created my own custom frame for Jack and Stella.

Here is one of our favorite subjects; Jack. He is now 16 months old and has just had is first haircut.

Hi folks,

Barbara and I have begun creating again. So look for new scrapbook pages here. Here's one of Taylor with her new Sunglasses.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Can you believe it is almost Christmas? I have just finished a Christmas Kit and you are welcome to download it.

It is much bigger then the preview sheet. You will need to download 5 zips. One is just the preview which I forgot to put in the kit.






Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I made this layout of Jack using Barb Speck's Artistic Designers Resource_Christmas kit and Artistic Vintage Christmas kit. Barb is a designer at www.ndisb.com and I am on her Creative team so you will seeing a lot of layouts of Jack. Mindy,keep posting pictures of Jack I need them.